When you discover something you want to remember later, track it on WorthIt. From names to locations to things you want to do !
— How many times someone has recommended you a restaurant/book/wine but later you have difficulties remembering the name or its location? Its very frustrating, isnt it?
— While preparing your next trip, do you ping in a map all those shops/restaurants/hotels youve read about and you wanna go?
— How do you share these findings with friends in a private way?
Spend just some seconds in creating a "WorthIt", and recall it later searching by name, friend, trip, dates or favorites.
• Twelve diverse predefined categories ready to use (Bars, Restaurants, Shops, Entertainments, Books, Movies, Music, Brands, People, Drinks, Hotels, Miscellaneous).
• Private sharing: Send one or multiple "WorthIts" directly to your friends. The imported ones will be highlighted for easily recognition.
• Calendar view.
• GPS edition, for tracking places in advance or at a later stage.
Make the most of your life. RECALL WHAT IS WORTH IT !